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Gender discrimination starts from HOME

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Ragavaishnavi Yasotaran

Gender discrimination often starts from Home. Home is where the is heart is. Children are socialized into Gender norms,values and stereotypes from their very own home.

The Society raises their kids according to norms and stereotypes that has been thought,believed and practiced for the past centuries. Assigning different rules for Female and Male by assuming their capabilities doesn’t reflect equality.

In fact, studies have shown that an individual’s sense of being either male or female is predominately determined by the way they are treated by others. Based on their external environment, children learn very quickly that boys and girls are different and they have their own colors, toys, abilities and particular interests.

Woman are taught to be soft spoken, gentle and dependant while man are taught to be Stern, Strong and Indipendent. Parents are implanting strong stereotypical behaviors into the kids which lead them to follow all those norms throughout their life.

Boys are perceived as being more “valuable” and worthy of investing in. For example, a preference for sending boys to school is fueled by a belief that all girls will eventually get married off. Therefore, investing in a girl’s education reaps little return because a girl who stays at home and learns how to take care of a family is of more value to a future husband.

In marriage, a girl often joins her husband’s family and may cost her family a dowry as property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage.

In certain countries, only men are allowed to own or inherit property, having a son keeps assets in the family and makes sure parents will have somewhere to live when they get old

Beliefs about the value of boys versus girls are commonly reflected in the way parents treat their children.

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