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Twinkling stars

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Ragavaishnavi Yasotaran

It’s a wonderful experience to go into the countryside with your friends at night, far from the city lights, and stare at the awesome array of stars in the heavens. As days passed, a place far from the city lights are rare to be found and so the experience of watching twinkling stars.

There are many people who prefer to travel far from the city to discover the joy of star-gazing on a pitch black night. The night sky is filled with stars of many different, but all have life spans of many million years. Astronomer can identify stars at various stages of development at their birth, in the prime of their lives and amid throes of death.

Stars are born when a cloud of gas, mainly hydrogen, is composed under the force of its own gravity. That’s how our Sun, which is also a star, came into being. By studying our Sun, we get a guide to the nature of other stars.

We know that the heaviest stars burn more furiously, and use up their fuel more quickly. Light-weight stars don’t burn so brightly, but their life might be 100 times that of a star with the weight of our sun. The British astronomer, Edmond Halley argued for a speck of light to be visible on earth from the distance meant, that it must come from a source as large as our sun.

The light from our Sun doesn’t twinkle, because our star is so close to us. Nor the lights from the planet, which is steady because they reflect light from the Sun. Stars make their own light and it twinkles because it travel so far.


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