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Why exercise is essential for good health?

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Ragavaishnavi Yasotaran

One remarkable change in recent years is, millions of people worldwide spending several hours a week in vigorous exercise. Moreover, this lockdown season had boost people’s urge to spend their leisure doing exercises as it is healthy too.

If you ask any jogger the reason for running a considerable distance, come rain or shine, his reply will be “It makes me feel good”. Exercise helps to build bones and improves muscles. A larger muscle is more efficient, more flexible and produces more energy. Better muscles help us to work with less fatigue.

Exercises like jogging, swimming, cycling and fast walking work the heart and lungs which is known as aerobic exercises. They force the cardiovascular system to deliver more blood and oxygen to feed the extra need of the muscles. The heart eventually becomes more efficient, delivering more blood and oxygen with each stroke.

A slow heart rate is often a sign of long term athletic activity. If the heart beat slowly and efficiently, wear or tear on it and the arteries are clearly reduced. Because the heart pumps harder during exercises, the blood surges through the arteries.

Exercises also stimulate the brain to release endorphins, painkillers with a similar structure to morphine. As well as their analgesic effect, endorphins are believed to help control stress and mood. This may explain why people feel better mentally after a work-out.

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